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Party in a Page / Text Host Guide

Writer: Chanell BattagliaChanell Battaglia

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you to host a Zyia Active Party!

This page is meant to serve you as a guide to host an engaging and successful party.

Why Do I Want You To Have A Successful Party?

The more sales you have in your party, the more amazing hostess rewards you get! Plus, Zyia is so awesome that it is meant to be shared!

This is a guide for you to create maximum sales for your party and to see how your Party in a Page / Text Party will be ran. You will invite friends and family that you think will love the products and then create maximum engagement with them. This lays out a  step-by-step guide for each phase of your party to help you have EXCITED guests that are ready to shop! 

Any text I recommend for you to make in the group are below. Then, all you have to do is simply copy/paste the text to the group and make it your own!

Step 1: Before the Party Begins

Send out texts or call to invite friends and family that you know love active wear and would be interested in attending your party. It is important that you DO NOT mass invite people through large group messages! They will more than likely be annoyed and not respond. Make your invite personal to make them feel special.

Send this photo with your personal message

Sample Text Invite

Hi (name)! I know you like awesome workout gear as much as I do and I wanted to personally invite you to my ZYIA ACTIVE PARTY that is run through a group text message. I think you will love these clothes! Don't worry, you won't be bombarded with texts, it's a document that you can view on your own time throughout the 3 days that the party is run. Want in?

Post this image with your text

Social Media Sample Post (Even if you don't get cell phone numbers for the group text, you can still send them the document link to shop throughout the party)

Where are my active wear lovers?!

I was recently introduced to ZYIA Active and I am totally obsessed with the comfort, quality, and affordable prices. If you love Lululemon or Athleta, you need to check these out! I’m hosting a PARTY IN A PAGE starting (enter dates here). Who would be interested in checking it out? Comment below and I will send you the link. Nothing says MOTIVATION like new workout clothes!!!


- If you want 10 people to attend, invite 30. 

- Send Facebook and Instagram messages to anyone you think might be interested.

- Mention it while you're out & about-- wearing your favorite ZYIA pieces while doing so definitely helps

- Make posts on social media (see sample above)

- Keep a list of who says "yes!" so you don't forget to add them to the party group message

Step 2: During the Party

Most text parties are ran from Tuesday-Thursday, to ensure that the group gets to see the new releases on Wednesday. Throughout these three days the attendees will view the google document on their own time to learn about Zyia's products, watch videos with highlights, and answer a few questions along the way. I don't believe in sending out a ton of messages because I know how group texts can become annoying. Instead, I will only send one to two texts a day to keep the party going and remind everyone to view the catalog and shop. Reading below will give you an idea of what text messages I will send during the party...

Rep Sample Text Day 1 AM

Welcome to (Hostess Name) ZYIA Active Party! Thank you for joining us, my name is Chanell and I am a rep for this new and quickly growing activewear line ZYIA ACTIVE! I'm so excited to share ZYIA with you and keep spreading the ZYIA culture that believes in embracing activity with excitement and cute activewear. This is a group text party that uses a google document to explore ZYIA's amazing products from the comfort of your home.

Go through this PARTY IN A PAGE Document on your own time throughout these 3 days: (LINK HERE)

Let's get our girl some hostess rewards by using this link to order: (PARTY LINK HERE)

Party begins today and will close on Thursday. Feel free to ask all the questions and order at anytime! You don't need to wait for this party to end in order to order, ZYIA ships order within 3-5 business days.

Rep Text Day 1 PM

Party Game picture with instructions post to get engagement and their chance to get an entry into the party giveaway!

Host Sample Text Day 1

You guys I’m so excited to be hosting this party! I tried the clothes and loved them so much I just had to share them with you!! >>INSERT YOUR OWN ZYIA EXPERIENCE HERE, FAVORITE PRODUCTS, PICTURE (even if it's a product picture from the catalog)<< Chanell can answer any sizing questions you might have!! Seriously everyone needs a little Zyia in their life, you won't be disappointed.

Rep Sample Text Day 2

New Release Wednesday: I will text the new product images with a quick description.

Image to post on last day

Rep Sample Text Day 3

Happy LAST day of shopping 😳😱💁🏻‍♀️

Today is the LAST day to get your orders in, you have until 11 pm

Party Link: (LINK HERE)

Let me know if you need help or have any questions! Farewell and thank you all so much for allowing me to share ZYIA with you!!

⭐️ If you don't want to spend full price on these clothes, message me & we will get a party booked so you can receive free and 50% off Zyia clothing!!⭐️

Host Sample Text Day 3

I'm having the hardest time to decide what to order! Anyone else?? If not, what did you get? Or what is on your wish list?

Step 3: After the Party

Congratulations, your party is done! Hopefully your guests had fun and you are getting your host rewards!! Make your wish list throughout the party & then let me know what you want! Tell me the product # and size, let me know if you need help deciding.

Sample Starter Kit

As a party hostess, here are your reward levels: $1,000 sales = $150 ZYIA product AND 4 50% off items $600 sales = $65 ZYIA product AND 3 50% off items $200 sales = $20 ZYIA product AND 2 50% off items 

Did you know?!

If you LOVE these clothes, want to share them with others, and earn a generous extra income and discounts, be a rep like me! You would be an awesome fit for this and I would love to have you on my team! The great thing about hosting a party is that you can use your hostess rewards to go towards your starter kit ($395-- you get 5 ZYIA staple pieces + $200 gift card) if you want! I can send you the latest starter kit image to see what you would get! This is how I started, I purchased the starter kit before I even knew I wanted to be a rep. I became obsessed and here I am today!

Thanks so much for partying with me!


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